Arshad Hasan
Arshad has served in executive leadership positions in national progressive nonprofit and political organizations for over a decade, and continues to serve on Boards of Directors for some of the leading progressive change organizations in the US. His career has put him on stage, in front of TV cameras, and on the spot in every conceivable public communication role.
You can sometimes find Arshad on MSNBC, ABC, or C-SPAN. More often you can find him in at home in Vermont baking up a storm, hosting a brunch, or cuddling with his dog, Cole.

Vicki Roush
Vicki brings a lifetime of musical theatre discipline, and the better part of a lifetime in radio, TV, music performance, and special events moderating and commentary to the training table.
Under the guidance of one of the nation's top trainers, Joel Silberman, Roush combines the knowledge and skills of her mentor with her own vibrant energy and talents to help you be the very best at delivering your important message.